The short film opening with an establishing long shot of a city. This has been done in order to set the scene to make the audience aware of where the short film is being set. This is followed by a pan of the city to show its size and to show its beauty. A low angle shot is used to show the Asian tourist. This has been done in order to highlight the building size with stands above him therefore making him look small and weak. There is a point of view shot of the Asian man looking up at the city this also means that it is a low angle shot which therefore makes the man look small and lost because he is looking round the city aimlessly. There is a mid shot of a man asking directions which is intended to show the size of the city and to in some ways limit the mans importance in the short film. Vast amounts of mid shorts are used in order to show the location difference between the two settings in the short scene. There is tracking of the boy in order to show his importance in the scene. There is also a low angle shot of the boy coming down the stairs which builds on the boys importance. When the boy goes outside vast amounts of mid shots and long shots are used in order to set the scene and to show the contrast between the two cities. A zoom is used to highlight the boy and to show his importance in the short film.
The short film has white titles on a black background. This is good because it highlights the titles and draws them in. A vast amount of cut shots are used throughout the short film in order to build pace and in order to build tension therefore making the audience wonder what is going to happen.
The short film is set in two locations - Italy, Rome and Sarajevo, Bosnia (war zone). Italy, Rome is a massive city with lots of cars, bikes and people. This is a very busy area but is quite a nice place to live in contrast to the war zone. It is very bright setting which makes the audience believe that this is a nice place to live. The war zone on the other hand is dark, dull and dingy which shows that this is not a very nice place to live. The room in which the boy lives is very cramped which shows his family is quite poor. This is build on by the peoples dark clothes and little belongings. The woman asks a boy to get water and bread this reforces the fact they are poor because the boy has to travel in order to get basic foods. When the father comes home the boy tries to grab the gun which shows a gun is a common object in the household. This highlights the fact that they are living in a war zone and are used to violence.
There is a key change between the language which shows the change in location. There is also a baby crying which makes the audience feel uneasy and to build tension. The mother makes noises to calm the baby down which also builds tension and makes the audience more interested in the short film and encourages them to watch on.
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