The second question was 'What is you're favourite genre of film? why?' Out of the eight people questioned horror was the most popular with a total of three votes. This was because they enjoy the way in which people get killed, wonder if they would be scared and like a good scare. This shows that horror may be a good genre to base my short film on because it is popular but may be a challenge to do. The second most popular was action with two votes. This is because action keeps them watching and entertained and is fun to watch. This shows that action is a popular genre. In joint third was adventure, romance and romantic comedy all with just one vote each. Adventure was voted for because the person questioned said it takes you into another world. Romance was voted for because its entertaining and good to watch and romantic comedy was voted for because they like to laugh and do not watch a film to get depressed.
The third question was 'Do you enjoy watching films? why?' Seven out of the eight people asked yes. This is because they said it passes the time, chance to learn new things, escapist, empathic relating occurs, fun, entertaining and can help enlighten a serious topic. This shows that there are many reasons why the people questioned watch films. Only one out of the eight said that they sometimes like to watch films because it keeps them entertained when bored.
The fourth question was 'What is a short film?' This question produced a large amount of different results. These results consisted of a film lasting up to thirty minutes, a film under one hour, a film condensed from longer formats allowing independent film-makers to break into the industry, a film which puts across a message, a film that can be up to twenty minutes in length and a film that gets across the same message as a a full length film in a fraction of the time. This shows that the people questioned all have different opinions of what a short film should contain.
The fifth question was 'Do you like watching fast paced extracts? If yes why?'Out of the eight people question seven of them said that they did enjoy watching fast paced extracts. This was because they keep you entertained, action is the best parts of films, draws you in and keeps you interested, fun to watch, builds suspense and because of the editing, sequencing, post production skills.Only one person questioned did not like fast paced extracts because they do not like being dissatisfied. This tells me that a majority of people enjoy watching fast paced extracts of film and would be good to include this in my short film.
The sixth question was 'Do you like watching films with a meaningful message behind them? why?' Five out of the eight questioned answered yes. Four out of the five said yes because they make you think and one out of the five said yes because they normally give you a lesson to be learnt. Two out of the eight said that they did not like films with a meaningful message behind them because its not necessary and that they watch a film to relax not to think. One out of the eight said that it depends on the film because some films have a bad message. These results tell me that it would be beneficial for me to try to include a meaningful message in my short film because including this seems to be very popular and would attract a greater amount of viewers.
The seventh question was 'What is you're favourite film? why?' This question produced a large variation of answers.The results included Avatar because it has a lot of action and a good plot, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist because it's light hearted, funny, quotable and makes you smile, Pulp Fiction because it broke the mould in narrative structure and *hybridisation, Lord of the Ring because it has a good plot and good action, Indiana Jones films because they are fast paced and have a good plot, Once Upon A Time In America because they have a good plot, P.S. I Love You because it is entertaining and a good romance and The Cube because it has a very good plot.
*hybridisation - is a term used to describe a type of media convergence whereby a new mode emerges containing elements of combined media. (Source -
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