1.) Split screen – CU of two clocks both ringing at the same time with the left side of the screen with a bright background and the right with a dark background. (3 seconds)
2.) Split screen – Shot of the same person in bed but one is happy and one is sad. CU or MS in order to show facial expression and to set location. (3 – 5 seconds)
3.) Split screen – MS of character getting up. One gets up quite rapidly and stretches and the other gets up slowly, which leads to a pan of them going out of the bedroom door (5 – 6 seconds).
4.) Split screen - MS of both characters coming out of their room (shot from the other side of the bedroom door) and a pan of them going into the bathroom. CS of them coming out of the bathroom straight away both in jogging outfit. (6 seconds)
5.) Split screen – MS of characters shot from the side on coming down the stairs one happy, full of life, other slowly coming down the stairs. (3 – 4 seconds)
6.) Split screen – MS of the character on the left bending down stroking the dog and when he gets up sees his keys which he puts in his pocket. Character on the right ignores the dog and both go out to the porch where they put on their shoes. (5 seconds)
7.) Split screen – LS from outside the house showing both the characters leaving the house and shutting the door behind them. Zoom out of the character as they come towards the camera and then jog down the road. (8 -10 seconds)
8.) Split screen – LS/MS of characters running along the pavement in which they originally ran down in the previous shot and a zoom of them approaching front door where the left character reaches in his pocket and gets his keys and immediately opens the door and enters the house (6 seconds). The right character checks pockets for keys but has not got them so looks for a way to get in and opening fully a downstairs window.
9.) Split screen – Character on the left shot from the far end of the house entering the house and approaching the camera which leads him into the kitchen (zoom out) Pouring fruit smoothie into glass and drinking it (eating fruit if more time is needed to balance out other clip). Other person climbing through window and the tripping up. (7 seconds)
10.) Split screen – Person on left shot moving away from camera and the camera zooms to follow him. Person on right shot approaching room door. (3 seconds)
11.) Split screen – MS of both character meeting in the hallway and going up the stairs. (2 – 4 seconds)
12.) Split screen – Shot from the top of the stairs showing both characters coming up the stairs and a pan of them going into the bathroom. CS of them both coming out of the bathroom with the one on the right dressed really smart and the one on the left dressed casual smart. (4seconds)
13.) Split screen -Shot of both characters going downstairs picking up car keys and going out the door. (3- 4 seconds)
14.) Split screen - MS of both characters getting in the car starting it and starting to pull out. (4 seconds)
15.) Split screen - LS of both characters pulling up in car park space. One on the left parks in a space and one on the right parks in two spaces. (6 seconds)
16.) Split screen –LS/MS of both characters walking to their work one happy and one not. (10 – 20 seconds)
17.) Split screen – MS of characters arriving at work and one of the left greets all work colleagues and the other one not saying anything. (5 – 8 seconds)
18.) Split screen – MS/CU of the characters at work one having a positive attitude and the other one not very happy. Positive character gets talking to a girl and they exchange numbers. (20 – 25 seconds)
19.) Split screen – Characters go for lunch. Character on the left goes to nice place to eat (texts girl whilst eating – arranging a date) and person on the right eats in fast food place. (15 seconds)
20.) Split screen - MS coming back from lunch and getting back to work. (5 – 8 seconds)
21.) Split screen –CU of watch or clock both reading five o’clock. (3 seconds)
22.) Split screen – LS/MS of characters going back to the car the positive one getting in the car and driving off whilst other character finds a ticket on his car for parking in two spaces. (6 seconds)
23.) Split screen –MS arriving home and going into the house. Negative character not closing door correctly. (6-9 seconds)
24.) Split screen – MS The positive character is making a healthy meal whilst the negative one is having a ready meal and sits on the sofa watching TV. (10 – 20 seconds)
25.) Split screen – Door bell ringing and positive one going to answer the door and greeting woman who he met at work. Negative one eating ready meal on sofa and watching TV. (20 seconds)
26.) Split screen – MS of positive character serving dinner and eating it, laughing and talking to girl. Negative one eating ready meal on sofa and watching TV. (20 seconds)
27.) Split screen – MS positive character and girl finishing food and pan of them going to the front door and putting their jackets on. Negative one eating ready meal on sofa and watching TV. (20 seconds)
28.) Split screen – LS from outside the house of positive character and girl coming out the house and walking down the road. Negative one on sofa watching TV. (8 seconds)
29.) Split screen – LS of cinema with positive character and girl walking into the shot and into the cinema. Negative one on the sofa not looking happy. (5 – 7 seconds) Fade at end.
30.) Split screen – LS (camera still in same position than in the last shot) of positive character and girl walking out of the cinema and walking down the road. Other character asleep on the sofa. (5 – 10 seconds)
31.) Split screen – LS/MS of positive character taking girl home and saying goodbye and then walking home himself. Other character asleep on the sofa (20 seconds)
32.) Split Screen – LS of positive character entering drive and entering house. Other character asleep on the sofa (10 seconds)
33.) Split screen – CU of positive character locking door. Other character asleep on the sofa (3 seconds)
34.) Split screen – MS of positive character going upstairs. Other character asleep on the sofa (4 seconds)
35.) Split screen – Pan of positive character coming up the stairs and into bathroom. CS of them coming out the bathroom in evening wear and going into room. Other character asleep on the sofa (6 seconds)
36.) Split screen – MS positive character getting into bed. Other character asleep on the sofa. (3 – 4 seconds)
37.) Split screen – MS of a man dressed in black approaching house and a zoom of him trying to open the door. (6 seconds)
38.) Split screen – CU of both characters reaction when they hear the man trying to get in the house. (3 -4 seconds)
39.) Split screen – MS of positive character hears the man trying to get into the house and looks out the window and calls the police. MS of the robber entering the house and starting to have a look around. (8 seconds)
40.) Negative screen pushes positive screen out of the frame. POV of the man looking around the house and emptying stuff into his bag. (5 -10 seconds)
41.) MS of man leaving the house with a bag full of stuff. (4 seconds)
42.) Positive side pushing negative side back for split screen – CU of both characters asleep – fade out. (5 seconds)