Good Points

Bad Points

Another bad point would be that the poster is reasonably similar to the 'Anger Management' movie poster as seen below which I realised after designing and construting the poster. On the other hand I strongly believe that the two posters have more differences than similarities though.

Overall I believe my short film poster was very successful. This is because it looks professional because of the very effective use of colour and the symmetry used throughout. It also appears to be a very serious poster which suits the genre well and therefore helps the audience to gain a good idea of what the film is going to be about. The two emotions, happy and sad, can clearly be seen in the images. The right image is happy because the protagonist is smiling and because the image was taken from the side of his face the smile is very clear. The left image is happy because the characters emotions can be easily seen as very serious and unhappy. Having the happy character on the right side and the unhappy character on the left is also a good feature because in the short film this is where the characters are in the split screen.
The text also contributes to the success of the poster. It is consistent throughout which makes the poster look professional and tidy. Even though the text may look a bit feminine I strongly believe that it suits the genre well. This is because the letters of the text look as if they are connected which relates well to the overall plot of the short film and the name of the film.
One of the only negative points of the film poster is that the unhappy day looks more dominant than the happy day. This may be because more of their face can be seen because in the happy image the person is smiling which means less of his face can be seen. The hair of the unhappy person is also more dominant than the happy persons hair. This is because the characters hair falls to the right which means that because the two images are taken from different sides the hair will be more dominant. This can be seen as a good point though because having more hair on the unhappy person he looks more messy and as if he doesn't care about his appearance which is good because it ensures the emotion of the unhappy person is put across clearer.
Overall I believe that my movie poster meets the genre of my short film well because it looks very serious and dramatic. I also believe that I have followed the conventions of a short film poster because of the use of colour, images, text, consistency and layout.
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