Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Protagonist Analysis
The main character in my short film that will play the person in both the happy and unhappy setting will be David Green. I chose this person because my short film is based on an average person doing average activities such as going to work, going to the cinema. This therefore meant that I needed a fairly average person to fulfill the role of the protagonist in my short film. David is quite tall and of an average build. He will be able to complete all of the activities planned successfully and to good standards. I also chose this person because I believe he will be able to show the emotion greatly through facial expressions and body language because he has studied drama.
These pictures show how facial expressions can be used in order to make the audience aware of whether the character is having a good or bad day because my short film relies on this in order to be successful. I aim to use vast amounts of facial expressions throughout the film to ensure the message of the film is clearly presented to the audience.

Where did my idea come from?
My idea came from the film 'Groundhog Day'. This is because this film shows how the protagonist has to relive the same day over and over again until he gets it right. In my short film I want to express a similar message which is that you should be happy because being sad or unhappy does not get you far in life. I want to show that if you are happy and outgoing good things will happen to you and if you are unhappy bad things may happen to you and you will live a boring life.

Storyboard Analysis
I am reasonably happy with my storyboard because it clearly shows what is going to happen in my short film and when. It gives me a good, clear understanding of what each character will need to do in each shot and where they will need to be in the frame.
I used my shot list as a guideline when completing my storyboard. I changed and added a few shots because I thought it would improve the short film and make the audience more interested therefore drawing them in. My storyboard could be improved by ensuring my drawings are more accurate in order to give the audience a better and more clear understanding of what is going on. I could also add a few more shots in order to improve on this even more.
I used my shot list as a guideline when completing my storyboard. I changed and added a few shots because I thought it would improve the short film and make the audience more interested therefore drawing them in. My storyboard could be improved by ensuring my drawings are more accurate in order to give the audience a better and more clear understanding of what is going on. I could also add a few more shots in order to improve on this even more.
Animatic First Draft
This is my animatic first draft. It includes a few sound effects including the alarm clock and doorbell sound. I have also added a few transitions in order to show how I want the short film to flow.
I am relatively pleased with my first draft because it gives me a good understanding of the timings of each shot and clearly shows me the order of shots. I could improve this by adding non diegetic sound such as background music in order draw the audience in. This would be challenging though because I have to find a piece of music which suits both moods of the two characters in the short film.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Split Screen Videos
I completed some research into split screening. I did this by searching YouTube in order to find videos that have used split screens. I found out that I can either do my filming landscape or portrait because they are both successful ways of doing so. It has also encouraged me to start thinking about the sound of my short film. I could either have parts of sound from both characters at different times or just have music all the way through.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
First Draft of Shot List
1.) Split screen – CU of two clocks both ringing at the same time with the left side of the screen with a bright background and the right with a dark background. (3 seconds)
2.) Split screen – Shot of the same person in bed but one is happy and one is sad. CU or MS in order to show facial expression and to set location. (3 – 5 seconds)
3.) Split screen – MS of character getting up. One gets up quite rapidly and stretches and the other gets up slowly, which leads to a pan of them going out of the bedroom door (5 – 6 seconds).
4.) Split screen - MS of both characters coming out of their room (shot from the other side of the bedroom door) and a pan of them going into the bathroom. CS of them coming out of the bathroom straight away both in jogging outfit. (6 seconds)
5.) Split screen – MS of characters shot from the side on coming down the stairs one happy, full of life, other slowly coming down the stairs. (3 – 4 seconds)
6.) Split screen – MS of the character on the left bending down stroking the dog and when he gets up sees his keys which he puts in his pocket. Character on the right ignores the dog and both go out to the porch where they put on their shoes. (5 seconds)
7.) Split screen – LS from outside the house showing both the characters leaving the house and shutting the door behind them. Zoom out of the character as they come towards the camera and then jog down the road. (8 -10 seconds)
8.) Split screen – LS/MS of characters running along the pavement in which they originally ran down in the previous shot and a zoom of them approaching front door where the left character reaches in his pocket and gets his keys and immediately opens the door and enters the house (6 seconds). The right character checks pockets for keys but has not got them so looks for a way to get in and opening fully a downstairs window.
9.) Split screen – Character on the left shot from the far end of the house entering the house and approaching the camera which leads him into the kitchen (zoom out) Pouring fruit smoothie into glass and drinking it (eating fruit if more time is needed to balance out other clip). Other person climbing through window and the tripping up. (7 seconds)
10.) Split screen – Person on left shot moving away from camera and the camera zooms to follow him. Person on right shot approaching room door. (3 seconds)
11.) Split screen – MS of both character meeting in the hallway and going up the stairs. (2 – 4 seconds)
12.) Split screen – Shot from the top of the stairs showing both characters coming up the stairs and a pan of them going into the bathroom. CS of them both coming out of the bathroom with the one on the right dressed really smart and the one on the left dressed casual smart. (4seconds)
13.) Split screen -Shot of both characters going downstairs picking up car keys and going out the door. (3- 4 seconds)
14.) Split screen - MS of both characters getting in the car starting it and starting to pull out. (4 seconds)
15.) Split screen - LS of both characters pulling up in car park space. One on the left parks in a space and one on the right parks in two spaces. (6 seconds)
16.) Split screen –LS/MS of both characters walking to their work one happy and one not. (10 – 20 seconds)
17.) Split screen – MS of characters arriving at work and one of the left greets all work colleagues and the other one not saying anything. (5 – 8 seconds)
18.) Split screen – MS/CU of the characters at work one having a positive attitude and the other one not very happy. Positive character gets talking to a girl and they exchange numbers. (20 – 25 seconds)
19.) Split screen – Characters go for lunch. Character on the left goes to nice place to eat (texts girl whilst eating – arranging a date) and person on the right eats in fast food place. (15 seconds)
20.) Split screen - MS coming back from lunch and getting back to work. (5 – 8 seconds)
21.) Split screen –CU of watch or clock both reading five o’clock. (3 seconds)
22.) Split screen – LS/MS of characters going back to the car the positive one getting in the car and driving off whilst other character finds a ticket on his car for parking in two spaces. (6 seconds)
23.) Split screen –MS arriving home and going into the house. Negative character not closing door correctly. (6-9 seconds)
24.) Split screen – MS The positive character is making a healthy meal whilst the negative one is having a ready meal and sits on the sofa watching TV. (10 – 20 seconds)
25.) Split screen – Door bell ringing and positive one going to answer the door and greeting woman who he met at work. Negative one eating ready meal on sofa and watching TV. (20 seconds)
26.) Split screen – MS of positive character serving dinner and eating it, laughing and talking to girl. Negative one eating ready meal on sofa and watching TV. (20 seconds)
27.) Split screen – MS positive character and girl finishing food and pan of them going to the front door and putting their jackets on. Negative one eating ready meal on sofa and watching TV. (20 seconds)
28.) Split screen – LS from outside the house of positive character and girl coming out the house and walking down the road. Negative one on sofa watching TV. (8 seconds)
29.) Split screen – LS of cinema with positive character and girl walking into the shot and into the cinema. Negative one on the sofa not looking happy. (5 – 7 seconds) Fade at end.
30.) Split screen – LS (camera still in same position than in the last shot) of positive character and girl walking out of the cinema and walking down the road. Other character asleep on the sofa. (5 – 10 seconds)
31.) Split screen – LS/MS of positive character taking girl home and saying goodbye and then walking home himself. Other character asleep on the sofa (20 seconds)
32.) Split Screen – LS of positive character entering drive and entering house. Other character asleep on the sofa (10 seconds)
33.) Split screen – CU of positive character locking door. Other character asleep on the sofa (3 seconds)
34.) Split screen – MS of positive character going upstairs. Other character asleep on the sofa (4 seconds)
35.) Split screen – Pan of positive character coming up the stairs and into bathroom. CS of them coming out the bathroom in evening wear and going into room. Other character asleep on the sofa (6 seconds)
36.) Split screen – MS positive character getting into bed. Other character asleep on the sofa. (3 – 4 seconds)
37.) Split screen – MS of a man dressed in black approaching house and a zoom of him trying to open the door. (6 seconds)
38.) Split screen – CU of both characters reaction when they hear the man trying to get in the house. (3 -4 seconds)
39.) Split screen – MS of positive character hears the man trying to get into the house and looks out the window and calls the police. MS of the robber entering the house and starting to have a look around. (8 seconds)
40.) Negative screen pushes positive screen out of the frame. POV of the man looking around the house and emptying stuff into his bag. (5 -10 seconds)
41.) MS of man leaving the house with a bag full of stuff. (4 seconds)
42.) Positive side pushing negative side back for split screen – CU of both characters asleep – fade out. (5 seconds)
2.) Split screen – Shot of the same person in bed but one is happy and one is sad. CU or MS in order to show facial expression and to set location. (3 – 5 seconds)
3.) Split screen – MS of character getting up. One gets up quite rapidly and stretches and the other gets up slowly, which leads to a pan of them going out of the bedroom door (5 – 6 seconds).
4.) Split screen - MS of both characters coming out of their room (shot from the other side of the bedroom door) and a pan of them going into the bathroom. CS of them coming out of the bathroom straight away both in jogging outfit. (6 seconds)
5.) Split screen – MS of characters shot from the side on coming down the stairs one happy, full of life, other slowly coming down the stairs. (3 – 4 seconds)
6.) Split screen – MS of the character on the left bending down stroking the dog and when he gets up sees his keys which he puts in his pocket. Character on the right ignores the dog and both go out to the porch where they put on their shoes. (5 seconds)
7.) Split screen – LS from outside the house showing both the characters leaving the house and shutting the door behind them. Zoom out of the character as they come towards the camera and then jog down the road. (8 -10 seconds)
8.) Split screen – LS/MS of characters running along the pavement in which they originally ran down in the previous shot and a zoom of them approaching front door where the left character reaches in his pocket and gets his keys and immediately opens the door and enters the house (6 seconds). The right character checks pockets for keys but has not got them so looks for a way to get in and opening fully a downstairs window.
9.) Split screen – Character on the left shot from the far end of the house entering the house and approaching the camera which leads him into the kitchen (zoom out) Pouring fruit smoothie into glass and drinking it (eating fruit if more time is needed to balance out other clip). Other person climbing through window and the tripping up. (7 seconds)
10.) Split screen – Person on left shot moving away from camera and the camera zooms to follow him. Person on right shot approaching room door. (3 seconds)
11.) Split screen – MS of both character meeting in the hallway and going up the stairs. (2 – 4 seconds)
12.) Split screen – Shot from the top of the stairs showing both characters coming up the stairs and a pan of them going into the bathroom. CS of them both coming out of the bathroom with the one on the right dressed really smart and the one on the left dressed casual smart. (4seconds)
13.) Split screen -Shot of both characters going downstairs picking up car keys and going out the door. (3- 4 seconds)
14.) Split screen - MS of both characters getting in the car starting it and starting to pull out. (4 seconds)
15.) Split screen - LS of both characters pulling up in car park space. One on the left parks in a space and one on the right parks in two spaces. (6 seconds)
16.) Split screen –LS/MS of both characters walking to their work one happy and one not. (10 – 20 seconds)
17.) Split screen – MS of characters arriving at work and one of the left greets all work colleagues and the other one not saying anything. (5 – 8 seconds)
18.) Split screen – MS/CU of the characters at work one having a positive attitude and the other one not very happy. Positive character gets talking to a girl and they exchange numbers. (20 – 25 seconds)
19.) Split screen – Characters go for lunch. Character on the left goes to nice place to eat (texts girl whilst eating – arranging a date) and person on the right eats in fast food place. (15 seconds)
20.) Split screen - MS coming back from lunch and getting back to work. (5 – 8 seconds)
21.) Split screen –CU of watch or clock both reading five o’clock. (3 seconds)
22.) Split screen – LS/MS of characters going back to the car the positive one getting in the car and driving off whilst other character finds a ticket on his car for parking in two spaces. (6 seconds)
23.) Split screen –MS arriving home and going into the house. Negative character not closing door correctly. (6-9 seconds)
24.) Split screen – MS The positive character is making a healthy meal whilst the negative one is having a ready meal and sits on the sofa watching TV. (10 – 20 seconds)
25.) Split screen – Door bell ringing and positive one going to answer the door and greeting woman who he met at work. Negative one eating ready meal on sofa and watching TV. (20 seconds)
26.) Split screen – MS of positive character serving dinner and eating it, laughing and talking to girl. Negative one eating ready meal on sofa and watching TV. (20 seconds)
27.) Split screen – MS positive character and girl finishing food and pan of them going to the front door and putting their jackets on. Negative one eating ready meal on sofa and watching TV. (20 seconds)
28.) Split screen – LS from outside the house of positive character and girl coming out the house and walking down the road. Negative one on sofa watching TV. (8 seconds)
29.) Split screen – LS of cinema with positive character and girl walking into the shot and into the cinema. Negative one on the sofa not looking happy. (5 – 7 seconds) Fade at end.
30.) Split screen – LS (camera still in same position than in the last shot) of positive character and girl walking out of the cinema and walking down the road. Other character asleep on the sofa. (5 – 10 seconds)
31.) Split screen – LS/MS of positive character taking girl home and saying goodbye and then walking home himself. Other character asleep on the sofa (20 seconds)
32.) Split Screen – LS of positive character entering drive and entering house. Other character asleep on the sofa (10 seconds)
33.) Split screen – CU of positive character locking door. Other character asleep on the sofa (3 seconds)
34.) Split screen – MS of positive character going upstairs. Other character asleep on the sofa (4 seconds)
35.) Split screen – Pan of positive character coming up the stairs and into bathroom. CS of them coming out the bathroom in evening wear and going into room. Other character asleep on the sofa (6 seconds)
36.) Split screen – MS positive character getting into bed. Other character asleep on the sofa. (3 – 4 seconds)
37.) Split screen – MS of a man dressed in black approaching house and a zoom of him trying to open the door. (6 seconds)
38.) Split screen – CU of both characters reaction when they hear the man trying to get in the house. (3 -4 seconds)
39.) Split screen – MS of positive character hears the man trying to get into the house and looks out the window and calls the police. MS of the robber entering the house and starting to have a look around. (8 seconds)
40.) Negative screen pushes positive screen out of the frame. POV of the man looking around the house and emptying stuff into his bag. (5 -10 seconds)
41.) MS of man leaving the house with a bag full of stuff. (4 seconds)
42.) Positive side pushing negative side back for split screen – CU of both characters asleep – fade out. (5 seconds)
Day and Night Split Screen Short Film
'Day and Night' is one of Pixar's latest short films which was show at the beginning of 'Toy Story 3'. It is about two characters called Day and Night. Inside Day is a day scene with a sun in the center, and inside Night is a night scene with a moon in the center. Whatever goes on inside of Day or Night expresses normal events that occur within a day or night and these events links with emotions that the characters Day or Night express.
This film inspired me and encouraged me to use split screen because this short film shows very clearly the contrast between the two character in which I want to achieve in my short film.
This film inspired me and encouraged me to use split screen because this short film shows very clearly the contrast between the two character in which I want to achieve in my short film.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Change of idea
My original idea has changed slightly. Instead of having the same character in two different days I am going to have the same character both in the same day but one will be happy which will result in good things happening to him and the other one will be sad resulting in bad things happening to him. I am going to use split screen in order to clearly show the contrast between the two days.
For example both in both the days the character will be going jogging. On the happy day he will be going quite fast and from facial expressions the audience will see that he is happy that he is up and about. On the sad day the character will be going quite slowly and from the facial expressions the audience will see that he is not very happy being up and cannot be bothered.
For example both in both the days the character will be going jogging. On the happy day he will be going quite fast and from facial expressions the audience will see that he is happy that he is up and about. On the sad day the character will be going quite slowly and from the facial expressions the audience will see that he is not very happy being up and cannot be bothered.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Initial Ideas on Locations
In my short film I will need to use a variety of locations. For the dull day I will just need one location which is a house. This is because the protagonist does not go out and just does stuff around the house. This can be easily arranged by completing the filming for this section at my own house or the protagonist house. On the other hand the fun day will need quite a variety of locations. A cinema and shopping centre will be needed. This can easily be found and filmed at. My first thoughts are going to Uxbridge to complete this. This is because they have vast amounts of shops in Uxbridge and an Odeon cinema and I am also very familiar with the area. The protagonist will require to go round a friends house. This will be relatively easy to do because all that is needed is a house which can either be mine or protagonists depending on the house for the dull day. A restaurant may be required if I chose to have the protagonist eat out with some friends. This locations can easily be found in Uxbridge or around the local area. The protagonist will be completing running and cycling exercises which can be set around the local area which means this will be relatively easy to travel to.
Final Idea
For my final idea I have decided that I am going to have a comparison of two days. One of these days will consist of the main character doing boring and dull activities such as going on the computer, laying in bed etc and the second day will consist of the main character doing fun things like socialising, cycling etc. I chose to do this idea because I though it was unique and achievable. I also believe that this short film will help to put the message across that you should not stay at home and do boring activities and that you should go out and live your life.
Friday, September 3, 2010
How To Tell When A Relationship Is Over In 90 Seconds Analysis
How To Tell When A Relationship Is Over In 90 Seconds is by Tony Roche. I found this short film on the BBC Film Network. The description/tagline of the short film is - 'Boy meets girl. Boy gets girl. Girl gets sick of boy. Boy gets sick of girl. Big Fight. The End.'
The short film is set in a kitchen setting which shows that the people in the film have a basic life and are a typical couple. When the couple are first shown on screen the man is wearing jeans and a white shirt and the woman is wearing a blue top. This shows that they are not rich and hold very basic lives. Throughout the short film their clothes turn to darker colours are the relationship comes to an end. The man ends up wearing a dressing gown showing how he feelings and is also showing that he he is going through a rough patch in his life because of the break-up. This short film contains a few comical moments including the man trying to cheer the woman up and her punching him back. This shows that the woman is not happy in the relationship and the man is trying to make things better. The man tries to get the spark back in their relationship but the woman is sick when the man tries to kiss him. This shows that the woman does not want to be in this relationship. When the couple finds a dead pigeon this is a sign that it shows the death of their relationship.
T the beginning of the short film the couple are laughing which shows that they are having a good time and are happy together. There is a cut in mid-laugh which shows the end of the happiness and a change in mood. Clock chimes are used in the film to build tension and to change a sudden change in the story. Non digetic sound is used to show the mood changing throughout the film. A piano is used at the end of the short film to symbolise something bad happening. At the middle/end of the film the woman speaks in a stern voice which shows she is not happy.
The camera stays in one place throughout the film in order to show the change between the couple more clearly. One of the shots involves the woman standing in front of the man whilst the man is sitting down. This shows that she is in power of the relationship and may not be happy.
Vast amounts of cut shots are used in order to add a fast pace to the extract and to show a change of time because it shows the change of the characters clothes more clearer than using fades etc. There are fades and cut shots used in order to go from the setting (kitchen) to title on the screen. Vast amounts of titles are used to explain the story and to ensure the audience keeps interested because they have to keep reading the titles. The titles are white on a black background. This is used to make them stand out. Towards the end of the film there is a short clip in black and white which sybolises a dark situation which is the relationship ending.
This short film expressed a message that most relationship do not last for very long.
The short film is set in a kitchen setting which shows that the people in the film have a basic life and are a typical couple. When the couple are first shown on screen the man is wearing jeans and a white shirt and the woman is wearing a blue top. This shows that they are not rich and hold very basic lives. Throughout the short film their clothes turn to darker colours are the relationship comes to an end. The man ends up wearing a dressing gown showing how he feelings and is also showing that he he is going through a rough patch in his life because of the break-up. This short film contains a few comical moments including the man trying to cheer the woman up and her punching him back. This shows that the woman is not happy in the relationship and the man is trying to make things better. The man tries to get the spark back in their relationship but the woman is sick when the man tries to kiss him. This shows that the woman does not want to be in this relationship. When the couple finds a dead pigeon this is a sign that it shows the death of their relationship.
T the beginning of the short film the couple are laughing which shows that they are having a good time and are happy together. There is a cut in mid-laugh which shows the end of the happiness and a change in mood. Clock chimes are used in the film to build tension and to change a sudden change in the story. Non digetic sound is used to show the mood changing throughout the film. A piano is used at the end of the short film to symbolise something bad happening. At the middle/end of the film the woman speaks in a stern voice which shows she is not happy.
The camera stays in one place throughout the film in order to show the change between the couple more clearly. One of the shots involves the woman standing in front of the man whilst the man is sitting down. This shows that she is in power of the relationship and may not be happy.
Vast amounts of cut shots are used in order to add a fast pace to the extract and to show a change of time because it shows the change of the characters clothes more clearer than using fades etc. There are fades and cut shots used in order to go from the setting (kitchen) to title on the screen. Vast amounts of titles are used to explain the story and to ensure the audience keeps interested because they have to keep reading the titles. The titles are white on a black background. This is used to make them stand out. Towards the end of the film there is a short clip in black and white which sybolises a dark situation which is the relationship ending.
This short film expressed a message that most relationship do not last for very long.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Qualitative Questionnaire Results
The first question was 'What do you look for in a short film?' I gained vast amounts of information from my survey. All eight of the questionnaires had different answers for the first question. They answers were - fun to watch, entertaining, a good message, keep me interested, a good plot, film that makes me think, action, violence and gore and something that fulfills the functions of a fill length film. This shows that everybody has different expectations for a short film which means it will be quite hard to put all these expectations into my short film.
The second question was 'What is you're favourite genre of film? why?' Out of the eight people questioned horror was the most popular with a total of three votes. This was because they enjoy the way in which people get killed, wonder if they would be scared and like a good scare. This shows that horror may be a good genre to base my short film on because it is popular but may be a challenge to do. The second most popular was action with two votes. This is because action keeps them watching and entertained and is fun to watch. This shows that action is a popular genre. In joint third was adventure, romance and romantic comedy all with just one vote each. Adventure was voted for because the person questioned said it takes you into another world. Romance was voted for because its entertaining and good to watch and romantic comedy was voted for because they like to laugh and do not watch a film to get depressed.
The third question was 'Do you enjoy watching films? why?' Seven out of the eight people asked yes. This is because they said it passes the time, chance to learn new things, escapist, empathic relating occurs, fun, entertaining and can help enlighten a serious topic. This shows that there are many reasons why the people questioned watch films. Only one out of the eight said that they sometimes like to watch films because it keeps them entertained when bored.
The fourth question was 'What is a short film?' This question produced a large amount of different results. These results consisted of a film lasting up to thirty minutes, a film under one hour, a film condensed from longer formats allowing independent film-makers to break into the industry, a film which puts across a message, a film that can be up to twenty minutes in length and a film that gets across the same message as a a full length film in a fraction of the time. This shows that the people questioned all have different opinions of what a short film should contain.
The fifth question was 'Do you like watching fast paced extracts? If yes why?'Out of the eight people question seven of them said that they did enjoy watching fast paced extracts. This was because they keep you entertained, action is the best parts of films, draws you in and keeps you interested, fun to watch, builds suspense and because of the editing, sequencing, post production skills.Only one person questioned did not like fast paced extracts because they do not like being dissatisfied. This tells me that a majority of people enjoy watching fast paced extracts of film and would be good to include this in my short film.
The sixth question was 'Do you like watching films with a meaningful message behind them? why?' Five out of the eight questioned answered yes. Four out of the five said yes because they make you think and one out of the five said yes because they normally give you a lesson to be learnt. Two out of the eight said that they did not like films with a meaningful message behind them because its not necessary and that they watch a film to relax not to think. One out of the eight said that it depends on the film because some films have a bad message. These results tell me that it would be beneficial for me to try to include a meaningful message in my short film because including this seems to be very popular and would attract a greater amount of viewers.
The seventh question was 'What is you're favourite film? why?' This question produced a large variation of answers.The results included Avatar because it has a lot of action and a good plot, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist because it's light hearted, funny, quotable and makes you smile, Pulp Fiction because it broke the mould in narrative structure and *hybridisation, Lord of the Ring because it has a good plot and good action, Indiana Jones films because they are fast paced and have a good plot, Once Upon A Time In America because they have a good plot, P.S. I Love You because it is entertaining and a good romance and The Cube because it has a very good plot.
*hybridisation - is a term used to describe a type of media convergence whereby a new mode emerges containing elements of combined media. (Source - http://newmedia.wikia.com/wiki/Hybridization)
The second question was 'What is you're favourite genre of film? why?' Out of the eight people questioned horror was the most popular with a total of three votes. This was because they enjoy the way in which people get killed, wonder if they would be scared and like a good scare. This shows that horror may be a good genre to base my short film on because it is popular but may be a challenge to do. The second most popular was action with two votes. This is because action keeps them watching and entertained and is fun to watch. This shows that action is a popular genre. In joint third was adventure, romance and romantic comedy all with just one vote each. Adventure was voted for because the person questioned said it takes you into another world. Romance was voted for because its entertaining and good to watch and romantic comedy was voted for because they like to laugh and do not watch a film to get depressed.
The third question was 'Do you enjoy watching films? why?' Seven out of the eight people asked yes. This is because they said it passes the time, chance to learn new things, escapist, empathic relating occurs, fun, entertaining and can help enlighten a serious topic. This shows that there are many reasons why the people questioned watch films. Only one out of the eight said that they sometimes like to watch films because it keeps them entertained when bored.
The fourth question was 'What is a short film?' This question produced a large amount of different results. These results consisted of a film lasting up to thirty minutes, a film under one hour, a film condensed from longer formats allowing independent film-makers to break into the industry, a film which puts across a message, a film that can be up to twenty minutes in length and a film that gets across the same message as a a full length film in a fraction of the time. This shows that the people questioned all have different opinions of what a short film should contain.
The fifth question was 'Do you like watching fast paced extracts? If yes why?'Out of the eight people question seven of them said that they did enjoy watching fast paced extracts. This was because they keep you entertained, action is the best parts of films, draws you in and keeps you interested, fun to watch, builds suspense and because of the editing, sequencing, post production skills.Only one person questioned did not like fast paced extracts because they do not like being dissatisfied. This tells me that a majority of people enjoy watching fast paced extracts of film and would be good to include this in my short film.
The sixth question was 'Do you like watching films with a meaningful message behind them? why?' Five out of the eight questioned answered yes. Four out of the five said yes because they make you think and one out of the five said yes because they normally give you a lesson to be learnt. Two out of the eight said that they did not like films with a meaningful message behind them because its not necessary and that they watch a film to relax not to think. One out of the eight said that it depends on the film because some films have a bad message. These results tell me that it would be beneficial for me to try to include a meaningful message in my short film because including this seems to be very popular and would attract a greater amount of viewers.
The seventh question was 'What is you're favourite film? why?' This question produced a large variation of answers.The results included Avatar because it has a lot of action and a good plot, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist because it's light hearted, funny, quotable and makes you smile, Pulp Fiction because it broke the mould in narrative structure and *hybridisation, Lord of the Ring because it has a good plot and good action, Indiana Jones films because they are fast paced and have a good plot, Once Upon A Time In America because they have a good plot, P.S. I Love You because it is entertaining and a good romance and The Cube because it has a very good plot.
*hybridisation - is a term used to describe a type of media convergence whereby a new mode emerges containing elements of combined media. (Source - http://newmedia.wikia.com/wiki/Hybridization)

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