Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Animatic First Draft

This is my animatic first draft. It includes a few sound effects including the alarm clock and doorbell sound. I have also added a few transitions in order to show how I want the short film to flow.

I am relatively pleased with my first draft because it gives me a good understanding of the timings of each shot and clearly shows me the order of shots. I could improve this by adding non diegetic sound such as background music in order draw the audience in. This would be challenging though because I have to find a piece of music which suits both moods of the two characters in the short film.

1 comment:

  1. A good first draft Steven. You have captured some scenes effectively and the narrative is generally clear.

    However, I feel that you have underestimated the number of shots required within some scenes. Please revisit your storyboard after 2 minutes and consider adding a wider variety of shots and angles.

    Also, you need to add further sound effects/dialogue to give a fuller impression of what your finished film will look like.

    Mr. M.
